Look Alike?
We got a new computer this week, so hopefully I will be better about blogging now that it doesn't take forever to look at pictures. We've been doing well, we're back into a routine after all of the Christmas festivities.
The big thing for Reese is that we've been potty training again and it has been going so smoothly this time around. Today we took a six hour trip to Cincinnati and she wore underwear the whole time with no accidents (and she even went #2 at lunchtime). It amazes me how exciting this stuff is to me now that I'm a parent:)
Isaiah is working on saying lots of words, mostly ones having to do with food. While Reese's speech was always very clear, with him it is context and LOTS of guessing. One of our favorite words right now is 'zipa' for pizza. He says things quite emphatically, repeatedly, but mostly unintelligable. He is such a cutie, but is always getting into trouble. I wonder if he's going to be one of those boys who is always into mischief at school, but gets away with it because of those blue eyes and adorable smile:)
Yes they do look a bit alike. I've thought that in a few pics before, your Christmas photo for sure. Isaiah sounds so much like Josiah, its funny how seriously they can say something, and you know that in their minds it means a lot. Josiah also enjoys using his hands when he "talks" Does Isaiah do that? If you are ever near Pittsburgh, we'd love to see you all. Talk to you soon!
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