Clary Kids

Monday, January 29, 2007

Just as Reese loved the Leapfrog Learning Table, so does Isaiah. he cries when I take him away from it. He is doing pretty well to stand at it by himself, but he still topples over on occasion.
Praise Baby, please. I want Praise Baby. Turn on, turn on, turn on...
Here is Isaiah enjoying sitting up all by himself. He is growing up so fast.
Mommy and Reese reading her Bible. She LOVES this thing and will sit as long as you are willing to read. She enjoys pointing out who is 'sad crying', happy, praying, etc. When we get to the page with Mary and Jesus crying because Lazarus died, she leans over and gives them kisses to make them feel better. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

The Picture says it all

Don't you just love that pouty lip?
For those of you who've been praying and wondering about Isaiah's head, we wanted to let you know that he does need a helmet.
It should take a month or so before he has it, and he will wear it for 3-4 months, 22 hours a day. We are disapointed with the outcome, but it also makes us so thankful for the beautiful healthy children we have. God has blessed us abundantly and we are SO grateful. Modern medicine allows us to fix something that would have been unfixable before. Although it's purely cosmetic, I'm sure he'll thank us when he's a teenager that he doesn't have a crooked head:)
On a side note, while we were there, I asked the doctor about Reese's strawberry birthmark on her shoulder. He informed us that it indeed would need to be removed surgically. Bummer. But it is outpatient surgery, and it can be done any time over the next few years. Our kids are definitely original. Two different colored eyes, a birthmark, a crooked head, and that doesn't even get into their personalities! They continue to make our life very interesting. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Sitting Around

We've recently started putting Reese's hair in pigtails and it's very cute. I know this picture is a little fuzzy, but it was the best we could get.

Isaiah started to sit up by himself this week, right after he turned six months old. He is growing up so fast! His appointment for his head is Wednesday, so we'll let you know what the doctor says. Posted by Picasa

Monday, January 15, 2007

Christmas conference

Here's the picture we put in our most recent newsletter. This is Reese and Isaiah at Christmas conference. Reese just had a bath and they were enjoying smiling at each other. They really enjoy interacting, but it is hard to get it on camera. Reese is a great big sister.
Here Reese is kissing her good friend Sam. His parents are some of our closest friends, so it was precious to see how much they enjoyed each other at Christmas conference. They are three months apart and have the same energy, meaning they love to run around like crazy! Reese kept asking for Sam all week long, it was very sweet. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, January 06, 2007

A few other Christmas pics

Here are Reese and Isaiah with Santa Claus. Reese didn't quite know what to think and Isaiah was so tired, he didn't even notice. But I think it was lots of fun for Grandpa, I mean Santa.
Reese got a bit overwhelmed by all the presents and took her new chair to her room to read a book and relax.
Isaiah enjoying his Christmas present, a teething ring. Next year it will be fun to watch him get excited about his gifts. Posted by Picasa

The Joy of Christmas gifts

We love this picture! This is just after Reese woke up from her nap on Christmas day. She was so excited to play with two of her new favorite toys, a phone and a 'faffe'. Good job with the giraffe, Grandma and Grandpa! Posted by Picasa