Clary Kids

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Old MacDonalds

Reese often confuses McDonald's, Old MacDonald had a farm, and Donald Duck (I'd be confused if I was two also). So she calls McDonalds 'Old McDonalds'. Here we are on our way home from Cleveland, taking a rest at a playland. She gave Ronald a kiss too, but I thought this picture came out better. Maybe it's a new crush, replacing Andy from church.
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A Drastic Change

Michael has been letting his hair grow out over the summer and finally decided it was time for a haircut. I cut his hair after the kids went to bed, and the next morning when Michael went to get Isaiah up, he kept crying. We didn't think much of it at first, but at one point, I left the room and he started screaming (much as he does when I leave him for Sunday school). Michael figured out that Isaiah didn't recognize him with his haircut. At first I was doubtful, but it was true. It took him about an hour to get over his fear of the strange man sitting in daddy's chair eating breakfast. Silly kid:)
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