Clary Kids

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Meeting Ronald McDonald

As part of the Derby festivities, we went to a parade preview, where they had floats and much of what would be in the parade indoors, where you could walk around and look at it. Sounded like fun, really, it was mass chaos, but we did get to meet Ronald McDonald. I think I posted a previous picture of Reese with a Ronald statue, so I thought it would be fun for her to meet the real guy. It was very interesting. Isaiah took quite a liking to Ronald, and visa versa. There was a long line, but he didn't want to let Isaiah go. He even had someone get his camera out and take a picture of him with Isaiah. He seemed almost tearful and it made us wonder what his story was. It made for some great pictures though.
Isaiah's had us on our toes the last few days. I was outside during his naptime the other day and I heard him crying in the house. It isn't unusual for me to hear him through the walls, but as I went inside to investigate, it turned out he had gotten out of the pack and play and was crying because he couldn't find anyone! Then later that day, I ran bath water for them, left the room, came back and found Isaiah in the bathtub with all his clothes on! I'll post pictures of that one someday soon. And now he has another ear infection. But thankfully it's been almost two months, so hopefully this one will clear up quickly.
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